Sunday, June 10, 2012

Deuces, Deuces, Deuces!!

Deuces. Some people argue that the Deuce is Henry Ford's finest creation. Others think it's the '33-'34. Others think it's something else..

While I wouldn't go as far as saying the Deuce is the best, it's certainly close to being the best. I couldn't tell you which one I prefer when it comes to the '32 or the '33-'34. They're both unique and aesthetically appealing in their own individual ways.

But let's cut the chitter-chatter and get down to admiring some of the finer Deuces out there. Here's a batch of Deuces that I really dig. All traditionally styled Deuces, of course.

Some of these pictures were taken by me at the Lone Star Round Up 2012. Some are from off the internet..

Thanks for looking!
